Living a fulfilled life is as varied as we are, who we are and where we are living. Our commonality is the creative mind, our ability to resolve the old and imagine the newness that enables a purposeful life. We may be bound to DNA and our lineage of being human, but it is the creative mind that has no true buffer, nor end of road. We have proven to have the capacity to destroy and renew in cyclical form, as order and chaos. This is our being human, fallible, and beautiful. Perfectly imperfect.
NOURISH Gallery | Beverly Morrison
NOURISH Gallery | Alex Olson
If nature and the universe are our start and end, it is this vastness that reflects who we are, our ability to expand, contract and change, inspiring through energy and beauty. It is our inherent ability to create that reflects our natural way of being, our intuitive cartographer, natural guide and muse. Through the creative mind, DNA and our capacity for empathy, we build and refurbish the paths we walk upon.
NOURISH Gallery | Concrete Poetics
NOURISH Gallery | Michael Oates